I'm quite dedicated to this web thing.

I'm a web developer from Southeastern Wisconsin whose passion for the web falls somewhere between irrational devotion and extreme dedication.

Why do I love the web so much?

Well, for starters, the web levels the playing field. Websites allow a voice to be heard, an expression to be made, and - when done correctly - a website can make a positive, lasting impression on someone.  These days, the web is also a great way to serve applications to customers.

I have been at this web thing for a while.

I've been making websites since the late 90s. Of course, the web has changed a lot since then. The days of dial-up modems and GeoCities websites are thankfully (mostly) over. If I'm honest, they're probably memories better left in the rear view mirror.

While the web has changed, what hasn't changed is my passion and desire to build great websites. I'm constantly looking for innovative ways to bring design and development together to create immersive, rewarding experiences for the end user.

I'm especially interested in Content Management Systems (CMS) because the meta-data driven approach has proven successful over and over.  It allows a website or web application to be driven by the requirements of the customer directly - without necessarily contacting a developer every time a change is needed.  You can read more about my passion for CMS on My Goal page.